"Posterity. One parallel closing time" / "Järelmaailm. Üks paralleelne sulgemisaeg"
Karl-Kristjan Nagel
( opening / avamine: 17.12., 17:00 )
Draakoni Galerii
Karl-Kristjan Nagel
( opening / avamine: 17.12., 17:00 )
Draakoni Galerii
Näitus koondab valiku uusi maale ja dokumentaalseid videotöid mis
tegelevad järelmaailma idee ja maiselt ebameeldivate eksistentsiteemade
sulgemise mõistega. "For posterity" ("Järeltulevatele põlvedele") kõlab
läbi Tom Waits'i sõnade albumi 'Closing Time' viimase, samanimelise
instrumentaalloo eel. Antud näitus on pühendatud kõigele sellele
kallile, mida üks indiviid on määratud igapäevaselt kaotama - omaenese
elu, mälestused või lähedased kaasteelised ( lähedased autorid ).
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The exhibition brings together a selection of new paintings and documentary video works that deal with the closure concept of existentially unpleasant themes. "For posterity" are words by Tom Waits on his 'Closing Time' album, before the last instrumental song. This exhibition is devoted to all that is dear to one individual, all that is destined to vanish daily - their own lives, memories or close fellows ( close fellow authors ).
K.K. Nagel
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Näitust toetab Eesti Kultuurkapital / Exhibition is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
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The exhibition brings together a selection of new paintings and documentary video works that deal with the closure concept of existentially unpleasant themes. "For posterity" are words by Tom Waits on his 'Closing Time' album, before the last instrumental song. This exhibition is devoted to all that is dear to one individual, all that is destined to vanish daily - their own lives, memories or close fellows ( close fellow authors ).
K.K. Nagel
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Näitust toetab Eesti Kultuurkapital / Exhibition is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
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